Friday, October 1, 2010

Top Birdwatching Sites in the Philippines

One thing that sets the Philippines apart from other travel destinations in Asia is its abundant natural resources. The "Pearl of the Orient," an archipelago comprising 7,107 islands, is becoming the leader in ecotourism in the region. With more than 600 bird species living in the country, no wonder the Philippines is one of the favorites among local and international birding enthusiasts.

Since the Philippines is located in the East Asian Flyway of migratory birds, the country is an important destination for many bird species, including those considered threatened. So what are you waiting for? Grab those binoculars and embark on a birdwatching trip to the Philippines. Here are some of the recommended sites to discover the beauty and diversity of Philippine birds.

Rasa Island

While exploring various attractions in the island paradise of Palawan in southern Philippines, don't forget to visit Rasa Island. Declared a wildlife sanctuary in 2006, the island is home to the critically endangered Philippine cockatoo. Rasa Island, which was declared as one of the top birdwatching destinations in the country by the Department of Tourism, also serves as breeding ground to black-nape oriole, white-vented shama, racquet-tailed parrot, and rufous-tailed tailorbird.

Candaba Marsh

Discover your love with birds with a trip to Candaba Marsh in Pampanga. To encourage more birdwatchers in the area, the local government developed a former fish pond into a bird-watching site. Candaba Marsh, which is only a two-hour drive from Manila, is home to purple heron, great egret, little egret, white-browed crake, purple swamphen, and pheasant-tailed jacana. If you're lucky, you'll get a chance to see little ringed-plover, blue-tailed bee-eater, artic warbler, pacific swallow, and the pied fantail.


The vast areas of undeveloped land in this former US Naval Base are known for its impressive number of bird species. Experts said there are more than 100 different types of birds in Subic, one of the top 13 birdwatching sites in the Philippines. Covering a total land area of 287.16 square kilometers, Subic accounts for 15% of all bird species throughout the country and 29% of all birds in Luzon. Some of the bird species found in Subic are the crested myna, barred rail, green imperial-pigeon, and blur-throated bee-eaters.


Another certified birdwatching paradise in the Philippines is Balanga. This second-class city in Bataan has been attracting tourists in the coastal villages of Tortugas, Sibacan, and Porto Rivas. The three areas are well-known for its feathered inhabitants, including the black-headed gull, great egret, little egret, and whiskered tern. Rare bird species such as the Asian Golden Plover and Kentish Plover also nest in Balanga.

Allan Leandro Merin has been writing professionally since 2008. After leaving a career at a daily electronic newspaper, he joined a web development outsourcing company and linked up with Local Philippines, the most comprehensive online directory of Philippine destinations, events, and attractions.

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