Tuesday, October 12, 2010

New birders!

A friend from school, Marisol, moved to Cusco with her kid some time ago.

Last Sunday she asked us if we wanted to take a walk with her, her boy and the dog. Of course we accepted and met early for breakfast together before climbing up to get around Sacsayhuaman.

It took us around an hour and it was worth it!

Rufous-collared Sparrow

On the way up we found new birds, a couple of them with pending id and sadly with no pic to help us (guess we have to go back some time soon hehe)

We didn't get into Sacsayhuaman, an important Incan Fortress, but walked around before heading to Q'enqo chico, a small set of ruins in a spot that gives you an amazing view of the city.

Mel-bird(er) at Q'enqo chico ruins

It was hot and sunny, they were tons of Rufous-collared Sparrows singing and the idea of not doing anything but stare at the blue sky, green mountains and pretty birds was so great!

Rufous-collared Sparrow

One of the highlights of the walk was the fact that we gained a couple of new birders to the cause! hahaha... both my friend and her 8 year old Santiago were amazed about how close they could see the birds with the binoculars (the four of us took turns to see) and the boy was so excited he kept asking about the birds and asking for the binoculars over and over again. Santiago and the party's binoculars

It was so great to spend a nice day with friends and to have been able to share a bit of our love for nature and birds with them. By the way, can anyone recommend binoculars for kids that can be found on this side of the world?? Can't let Santiago escape!!

We saw:
Great Thrush (lifer!)
Great Sapphirewing (lifer!)
Band-tailed Seedeater (lifer!)
Black-hooded Siskins
Rufous-collared Sparrows (way too many of them)
A hummingbird that we were not able to id or photograph
A hawk waaay too far to id
Some sort of wren that was too fast

Might sound like a little list, but it was our first Sunday in the city, and we went out with a kid and a dog, not very bird-friendly ;)

I hope that soon we'll be able to go back there again and learn more about the birds on the area, it is fun to be out!

View the original article here

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